11 Stat. 657
October 17, 1855
Franklin Pierce,
President of the United States of America,
To all persons to whom these presents shall come,
WHEREAS; a treaty was made and concluded at the
council ground on the Upper Missouri, near the mouth
of the Judith River, in the Territory of Nebraska, on the
seventeenth day of October, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five, between A. Cumming and
Isaac I. Stevens, commissioners on the part of the United
States, and the Blackfoot and other tribes of Indians, which
treaty is in the words and figures following, to wit:--
Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at
the council ground on the Upper Missouri, near the mouth
of the Judith River, in the territory of Nebraska, this
seventeenth day of October, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five, by and between A. Cumming
and Isaac I. Stevens, commissioners duly appointed and
authorized, on the part of the United States, and the
undersigned chiefs, headmen, and delegates of the
following nations and tribes of Indians, who occupy,
for the purposes of hunting, the territory on the
Upper Missouri and Yellow Stone Rivers, and
who have permanent homes as follows: East
of the Rocky Mountains, the Blackfoot nation;
consisting of the Piegans, Blood, Blackfoot, and
Gros Ventres tribes of Indians. West of the
Rocky Mountains, the Flathead nation:
consisting of the Flathead, Upper Pend
d'Oreille, and Kootenay tribes of Indians
and the Nez Perce tribe of Indians, the said
chiefs, headmen and delegates, in behalf of
and acting for said nations and tribes, and
being duly authorized thereto by them.
ARTICLE 1. Peace, friendship and amity
shall hereafter exist between the United
States and the aforesaid nations and tribes
of Indians, parties to this treaty, and the
same shall be perpetual.
ARTICLE 2. The aforesaid nations and tribes
of Indians, parties to this treaty, do hereby
jointly and severally covenant that peaceful
relations shall lifewise be maintained among
themselves in future; and that they will abstain
from all hostilities whatsoever against each other,
and cultivate mutual