Blackfeet Sorrow Crooked Agents, Whiskey
Traders, and Land Grafters Introduction
in the 19th century as savages and early 20th century
of Montana have also done the Indians an injustice by
brainwashing Indian children in public schools, and
government schools by distorting Indian history.
The documented truth is contained in this account
The body count alone is staggering; at the beginning of
their white neighbors, who pillaged and plundered the
Indians and their resources at every opportunity. The
scalping of Indians and taking the scalps to town was a
custom in Montana Territory by the gold miners, who
invaded Blackfoot Territory set aside for the Indians in
the 1855 Treaty. The gold is what drew the miners to
Blackfoot Territory but it was the land and water that
kept them. Settlers, stockmen, farmers, government
agents, traders, contractors, politicians, pimps and
whores made up frontier civilization, but few of its
virtues and all of its vices followed the whites to
Blackfoot Territory.
The border-whites were and are the Indians great nemesis
since they view the Indians land and resources as "legitimate
prey" and decided to take it by any means available, including
manipulating the plenary powers [absolute] of Congress over
the Indians and their resources. That is what is behind the
federal Indian policies of extermination, removal, assimilation,
and land cession bills of the Montana politicians.
Incredibly the Blackfeet Indians still have land and mineral
claims that are in the process of adjudication and negotiations
that will ultimately decide the fate of the Blackfeet Indians.
It is my hope that the reader will take away from this publication
a new respect for the courage and intelligence of the Blackfeet
Indians, who have survived a holocaust. The next stage of
Blackfoot development is to put the reservation and tribe
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