The United States Census of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in 1907-1908 is important to Blackfeet tribal members and the tribal land claims because it documents the Blackfeet Indian Reservation lands held in common were surveyed and 320 acres was allotted to each member of the tribe.
The census in 1907-1908 was made ”to determine proper recipients of the allocations. Found qualified [to receive allotments] were 2,623 tribal members.” Another allotment was made in 1919 of 80 acres to each tribal member, which allotted the entire reservation land base leaving no surplus lands for white settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
The Interior Department Indian Money Damage Claims [pre-1966 Indian claims] list 605 Blackfeet Indians as victims of the BIA forced fee patents frauds. We found a list of over 1200 Blackfeet forced fee patent victims made up by the Blackfeet Agency BIA. We filed this list of 1200 Blackfeet forced fee patent claims at the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in 2001, which claims the tribal chairman subsequently declined to support.
The forgotten people in the current state-tribal water compact settlement is the Blackfeet ranchers and the Blackfeet allottees losses caused by the BIA Reclamation Service Project on the Blackfeet Reservation in the St. Mary-Milk Rivers Diversion of reservation water to non-Blackfeet downstream water users. The removal of the self-sufficient Blackfeet cattle ranchers from their treaty guaranteed [1896 Agreement/Article Five] reservation grazing tracts and hay lands and their small irrigation ditches dug by the tribal ranchers to divert tribal streams and rivers for watering mountain meadows to produce winter feed and summer pasturage for Blackfeet cattle herds destroyed their self-sufficient cattle industry. The Blackfeet ranchers and landowners paid the costs for the construction and operation of the St. Mary-Milk Rivers Diversion. The successful Blackfeet cattle ranchers and the Blackfeet allottees lost their cattle industry and trust allotments to government reclamation projects and BIA land frauds. The concern is that the tribal council is blinded by settlement money in the state-tribal water compact and forgot to restore the tribal land base and successful tribal cattle industry economy recognized in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five as the main treaty goal of the Blackfeet Tribe and the United States.
What is in the tribal council heads that could possibly be more important than defending our land base and the people’s property rights? The pencil factory still is the only legacy of $180,000,000 in expenditures of the tribal council since 1936. The possibility of council brainwashing or treason is always a threat to tribal security, it is happening to us right now by the tribal council stonewalling of the Blackfeet forced patent claims.
The white people in Havre- Chinook Montana, Canadian Mormon cowboys , Alberta farmers, Hutterite Colonies, and white ranchers and farmers all enjoy the benefits of the reservation land and waters. The Blackfeet Indians were impoverished by this BIA Reclamation Service project and the self-sufficient Blackfeet cattle industry economy was destroyed. There needs to be a special study area in the water settlement and proposed expansion of the St.Mary Diversion [flooding of Babb is considered a future sacrifice for the St.Mary Diversion]. What about the treaty guarantees made to the Blackfeet Tribe and tribal cattle ranchers in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. What are the tribal cattle industry re-development needs, and just compensation for Blackfeet cattle rancher’s losses? The Blackfeet people paid social and economic costs of the St. Mary Diversion that benefited the United States, State of Montana and Alberta, Canada.
Institutional Equity is a Congressional Requirement in claims cases that means tribal concerns must be considered on an equal footing with federal, state, county, and foreign governments [Canada]. I was thrown out of the tribal conference room in a state-tribal council water compact negotiation meeting for bringing up these very concerns on behalf of the Blackfeet ranchers and landowners rights. I requested “institutional equity” for the Blackfeet Tribe and the Blackfeet allottees and cattle ranchers. The NARF Attorney told us we [tribal members] had no rights, and the BIA man later told tribal chairman Old Person the Tribe had no rights either. Who the hell has the “rights” on the reservation? Is this the Cardston, Alberta Mormon Invaders-Montana Land Grafters- Hutterite Reserve? I guess it is now, but we will change that!
The United Nations defines ‘genocide’ as the act of denying a people the right of existence, in whole or in part, by undermining the foundations [treaty rights] underlying their national or ethnic identity, with the aim of destroying that group.” The 1896 Agreement/Article Five treaty violations and encroachment of white ranchers, Hutterites, State of Montana, Glacier and Pondera Counties, and Canadian emigrants onto the reservation, and removal of Blackfeet landowners and cattle ranchers from their reserved grazing tracts and water diversions and cattle pastures reaches the definition of United Nations political genocide. It plunged the Blackfeet people into an epic tribal poverty that they cannot recover from unless and until all of the Blackfeet treaty guarantees are restored.
It is a also criminal breach of the constitutional guarantees of the Blackfeet Indian’s special treaty rights contained in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. We want our tribal land base restored and white men removed to their own “reservations,” the State of Montana and Alberta, Canada. The tribal elders tell me Glacier Park has encroached upon our western and southern borders quite deliberately and will not retreat. They changed the boundary lines when the council wasn’t looking. It becomes a question of why don’t the tribal council defend our borders?
Our history tells us we were condemned to die by the Montana border-whites for our property. That is historical fact and is documented in the Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, September, 1867. The Christian Priests testify to the deaths and land thefts and wrongs done by border-whites to the Blackfeet Indians on a daily basis. The Indians had no chance of struggle. The settlement money does not make the Blackfeet Indians “whole” for their losses, but compensation must include the rehabilitation of the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. We have lived with half a loaf for too long as tribal leaders became institutionalized [posttraumatic postcolonial stress disorders] to accept second class status in the corrupt government system. There are new school buildings and education institutions but they are part of a state run education system [false curriculum on Indian history] that brainwashes Indians and whites and hides state history of robbing Blackfeet land and resources, state treaty violations and Blackfeet genocide. We have been silenced to cover up gross injustices and human rights violations. The superior and civilizing powers themselves [BIA and State of Montana] need the tools of justice and civilization.
The tribal council under Old Person’s regime reminded me of random brainwashed Indian followers of whites [he has 85 awards from national white organizations but led the poorest tribe in America]. The tribal council’s reaction to the Iraqi prison torture stories was the tribal police ran out and got their own torture chair and strapped Blackfeet teenagers in them for days. They chained teenagers in beds for days. I told you of the history of cruelty of Superintendent McFatridge in mistreating and starving Blackfeet students in reservation schools. Here it was the tribal council that needed water boarding to un-brainwash them. I guess they wanted to make a good impression with the Bush Administration torturers because they stole $8,000,000 from the COPS Grant.
The Government Archive Rolls tell the story of the exercise of a corrupt government power that morphed into the Indian land frauds committed by BIA Agency personnel and the Agency Ring, a criminal conspiracy.
The suppression of that federal government archive by the BIA and state public school system and state government itself has lasted from then to now leaving the Montana land grafter’s and BIA crooked deals open to public scrutiny and senate investigation one hundred years after the fact. There is a public confession by the BIA in Congress to complicity [partnership in crime] in the Blackfeet forced patents, secretarial transfers, and old age assistance claims among others. The old age assistance claims illustrate the cruelty and duplicity of both the BIA and county in forcing elderly Blackfeet welfare recipients to sell their allotments as a condition to receive welfare assistance from the county. So cruel!
The remaining obstacle to winning the claims is to overcome the tribal council’s reluctance to join the fight. We have a few nibbles but no bites. You can get a list of original Blackfeet Allottees from the 1907-1908 Census, in the Special Collections Section, Mansfield Library, University of Montana, Robert J. Ege Collection. [There are also Blackfeet family genealogy records available there]. Please lobby the tribal council to join us.
The United States Census of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in 1907-1908 is important to Blackfeet tribal members and the tribal land claims because it documents the Blackfeet Indian Reservation lands held in common were surveyed and 320 acres was allotted to each member of the tribe.
The census in 1907-1908 was made ”to determine proper recipients of the allocations. Found qualified [to receive allotments] were 2,623 tribal members.” Another allotment was made in 1919 of 80 acres to each tribal member, which allotted the entire reservation land base leaving no surplus lands for white settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
The Interior Department Indian Money Damage Claims [pre-1966 Indian claims] list 605 Blackfeet Indians as victims of the BIA forced fee patents frauds. We found a list of over 1200 Blackfeet forced fee patent victims made up by the Blackfeet Agency BIA. We filed this list of 1200 Blackfeet forced fee patent claims at the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in 2001, which claims the tribal chairman subsequently declined to support.
The forgotten people in the current state-tribal water compact settlement is the Blackfeet ranchers and the Blackfeet allottees losses caused by the BIA Reclamation Service Project on the Blackfeet Reservation in the St. Mary-Milk Rivers Diversion of reservation water to non-Blackfeet downstream water users. The removal of the self-sufficient Blackfeet cattle ranchers from their treaty guaranteed [1896 Agreement/Article Five] reservation grazing tracts and hay lands and their small irrigation ditches dug by the tribal ranchers to divert tribal streams and rivers for watering mountain meadows to produce winter feed and summer pasturage for Blackfeet cattle herds destroyed their self-sufficient cattle industry. The Blackfeet ranchers and landowners paid the costs for the construction and operation of the St. Mary-Milk Rivers Diversion. The successful Blackfeet cattle ranchers and the Blackfeet allottees lost their cattle industry and trust allotments to government reclamation projects and BIA land frauds. The concern is that the tribal council is blinded by settlement money in the state-tribal water compact and forgot to restore the tribal land base and successful tribal cattle industry economy recognized in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five as the main treaty goal of the Blackfeet Tribe and the United States.
What is in the tribal council heads that could possibly be more important than defending our land base and the people’s property rights? The pencil factory still is the only legacy of $180,000,000 in expenditures of the tribal council since 1936. The possibility of council brainwashing or treason is always a threat to tribal security, it is happening to us right now by the tribal council stonewalling of the Blackfeet forced patent claims.
The white people in Havre- Chinook Montana, Canadian Mormon cowboys , Alberta farmers, Hutterite Colonies, and white ranchers and farmers all enjoy the benefits of the reservation land and waters. The Blackfeet Indians were impoverished by this BIA Reclamation Service project and the self-sufficient Blackfeet cattle industry economy was destroyed. There needs to be a special study area in the water settlement and proposed expansion of the St.Mary Diversion [flooding of Babb is considered a future sacrifice for the St.Mary Diversion]. What about the treaty guarantees made to the Blackfeet Tribe and tribal cattle ranchers in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. What are the tribal cattle industry re-development needs, and just compensation for Blackfeet cattle rancher’s losses? The Blackfeet people paid social and economic costs of the St. Mary Diversion that benefited the United States, State of Montana and Alberta, Canada.
Institutional Equity is a Congressional Requirement in claims cases that means tribal concerns must be considered on an equal footing with federal, state, county, and foreign governments [Canada]. I was thrown out of the tribal conference room in a state-tribal council water compact negotiation meeting for bringing up these very concerns on behalf of the Blackfeet ranchers and landowners rights. I requested “institutional equity” for the Blackfeet Tribe and the Blackfeet allottees and cattle ranchers. The NARF Attorney told us we [tribal members] had no rights, and the BIA man later told tribal chairman Old Person the Tribe had no rights either. Who the hell has the “rights” on the reservation? Is this the Cardston, Alberta Mormon Invaders-Montana Land Grafters- Hutterite Reserve? I guess it is now, but we will change that!
The United Nations defines ‘genocide’ as the act of denying a people the right of existence, in whole or in part, by undermining the foundations [treaty rights] underlying their national or ethnic identity, with the aim of destroying that group.” The 1896 Agreement/Article Five treaty violations and encroachment of white ranchers, Hutterites, State of Montana, Glacier and Pondera Counties, and Canadian emigrants onto the reservation, and removal of Blackfeet landowners and cattle ranchers from their reserved grazing tracts and water diversions and cattle pastures reaches the definition of United Nations political genocide. It plunged the Blackfeet people into an epic tribal poverty that they cannot recover from unless and until all of the Blackfeet treaty guarantees are restored.
It is a also criminal breach of the constitutional guarantees of the Blackfeet Indian’s special treaty rights contained in the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. We want our tribal land base restored and white men removed to their own “reservations,” the State of Montana and Alberta, Canada. The tribal elders tell me Glacier Park has encroached upon our western and southern borders quite deliberately and will not retreat. They changed the boundary lines when the council wasn’t looking. It becomes a question of why don’t the tribal council defend our borders?
Our history tells us we were condemned to die by the Montana border-whites for our property. That is historical fact and is documented in the Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, September, 1867. The Christian Priests testify to the deaths and land thefts and wrongs done by border-whites to the Blackfeet Indians on a daily basis. The Indians had no chance of struggle. The settlement money does not make the Blackfeet Indians “whole” for their losses, but compensation must include the rehabilitation of the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. We have lived with half a loaf for too long as tribal leaders became institutionalized [posttraumatic postcolonial stress disorders] to accept second class status in the corrupt government system. There are new school buildings and education institutions but they are part of a state run education system [false curriculum on Indian history] that brainwashes Indians and whites and hides state history of robbing Blackfeet land and resources, state treaty violations and Blackfeet genocide. We have been silenced to cover up gross injustices and human rights violations. The superior and civilizing powers themselves [BIA and State of Montana] need the tools of justice and civilization.
The tribal council under Old Person’s regime reminded me of random brainwashed Indian followers of whites [he has 85 awards from national white organizations but led the poorest tribe in America]. The tribal council’s reaction to the Iraqi prison torture stories was the tribal police ran out and got their own torture chair and strapped Blackfeet teenagers in them for days. They chained teenagers in beds for days. I told you of the history of cruelty of Superintendent McFatridge in mistreating and starving Blackfeet students in reservation schools. Here it was the tribal council that needed water boarding to un-brainwash them. I guess they wanted to make a good impression with the Bush Administration torturers because they stole $8,000,000 from the COPS Grant.
The Government Archive Rolls tell the story of the exercise of a corrupt government power that morphed into the Indian land frauds committed by BIA Agency personnel and the Agency Ring, a criminal conspiracy.
The suppression of that federal government archive by the BIA and state public school system and state government itself has lasted from then to now leaving the Montana land grafter’s and BIA crooked deals open to public scrutiny and senate investigation one hundred years after the fact. There is a public confession by the BIA in Congress to complicity [partnership in crime] in the Blackfeet forced patents, secretarial transfers, and old age assistance claims among others. The old age assistance claims illustrate the cruelty and duplicity of both the BIA and county in forcing elderly Blackfeet welfare recipients to sell their allotments as a condition to receive welfare assistance from the county. So cruel!
The remaining obstacle to winning the claims is to overcome the tribal council’s reluctance to join the fight. We have a few nibbles but no bites. You can get a list of original Blackfeet Allottees from the 1907-1908 Census, in the Special Collections Section, Mansfield Library, University of Montana, Robert J. Ege Collection. [There are also Blackfeet family genealogy records available there]. Please lobby the tribal council to join us.
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