Hidden colonialists on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation got in by stealing the Blackfeet allotments back in 1912-1922 and sewed up the grazing lands of the Blackfeet cattle ranchers held by treaty. The hidden colonialists are the white men in Glacier County and a little bit of Pondera County who have taken up and stolen the private property of the Blackfeet Indians. The white men in Glacier County are erasing the treaty rights of the Blackfeet Indians by their occupancy of fee lands in every township on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
The Blackfeet Chiefs protested state law in the townships, preferring tribal law on the reservation. Political genocide of the Indians gained social acceptance among white power groups on the reservation, even taking on the burden of civilization to the reservation and Indians. It was patriotic, in fact, to kill Indians for territory, as is the history of Montana border-whites. Glacier County is an example of political genocide committed for the sole purpose of economic gain of the oppressors. What other reason is there to kill for territory? The white residents of Glacier County have operated a conspiracy over the Blackfeet Indians in partnership with federal Indian Bureau government officials. The Blackfeet Indians are check-mated and checker-boarded by their treaty rights and trust property fallen into the hands of the border-whites; now reservation-whites and demanding water rights to stolen Blackfeet allotments. It is an example of Frontier Montana political and economic colonialism rare to see this side of the apartheid policy of white South African Nationalists, let alone in the United States today and sanctioned by the Indian Bureau and Congress, who are well aware of the existence of genocide in Montana history.
The scale of Blackfeet human rights violations are not yet ended in relation to the long time suffering of the Blackfeet Indians caused by Montana border-whites for over a century. The individual Indian people became anonymous in their collective suffering over the decades while the critical message of Montana border-whites genocide of the Blackfeet Indians for territory was turned to public school curriculum of dangerous savages exterminated. The lies and propaganda of public schools and state officials have been muted over time by the truths emerging from government archives to dispel the myths of white superiority.
When the magnitude of the calamity is observed in all its political and economic genocide in view of the rights of man-it will be a sight to behold. The vision of sacred buffalo purification burning through the mist of the lies and propaganda told through the centuries about Indians. Now, the truth will emerge through all of the ordinary people who live their lives in the most ordinary ways, and who are the special people singled out to receive the most wonderful gift of all-the gift of blessing by the Great Spirit to live their lives exactly as they wish to live their lives; to be free of state tax and white rule forever. Isn’t that God’s vision for the Blackfeet Indians?
I was watching state t.v. the other day. I wish the tribal cable channel had this channel because it televises all state legislature committee meetings, the white people know better than to let their politicians govern in the back room. Anyway they had some Blackfeet down to testify on foster care, and I was really impressed with Mary Ellen LaFromboise’s testimony on the Blackfeet methods of handling so-called foster children by returning them to their grandparents care instead of the state method of putting the child in foster care, or non-relative’s care.
I had a nephew taken by the county welfare department from his Blackfoot mother and put into state foster care for 18 years or so, and I thought about the fight my mother put on for all those years to get him back. He was placed with Jehovah’s Witness foster care parents and never knew a birthday party or any holiday we associate with Blackfeet or American culture. It struck me watching testimony of Mary Ellen’s that state foster care is a form of cultural genocide if the purpose is to tear the child from his roots and make him into a white child. The state welfare law does not belong on the reservation nor its rules and regulations concerning Indian children.
The public schools also promote a curriculum that glorifies the Montana settlers neglecting to mention the massacre, starvation, small pox, whiskey trade, land frauds, removal and assimilation of the Blackfeet people by border-whites to get Blackfeet lands. Glacier County is the representative government of the border-whites brought to the reservation to legitimize white men’s land thefts and to provide white men with the cloak of legal respectability [county courts] to cover up political and economic genocide of the Blackfeet Indians. Alas, their titles are considered “void” titles by the Congress, but the tribal council will not request their removal. The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council is well aware of the land frauds and constitutional issues inherent in the white occupation of reserved treaty lands of the Blackfeet Indians. Our more learned ancestors went to the Congress to get things straightened out with Montana Territory. I think we need a tribal summit to clear the issues and to give the tribal members who are the heirs to the stolen lands occupied by whites on the reservation an opportunity to testify for their relatives. We need to take ownership of our reservation in every way, and get on with rebuilding the Blackfeet Nation.
The Blackfeet Chiefs protested state law in the townships, preferring tribal law on the reservation. Political genocide of the Indians gained social acceptance among white power groups on the reservation, even taking on the burden of civilization to the reservation and Indians. It was patriotic, in fact, to kill Indians for territory, as is the history of Montana border-whites. Glacier County is an example of political genocide committed for the sole purpose of economic gain of the oppressors. What other reason is there to kill for territory? The white residents of Glacier County have operated a conspiracy over the Blackfeet Indians in partnership with federal Indian Bureau government officials. The Blackfeet Indians are check-mated and checker-boarded by their treaty rights and trust property fallen into the hands of the border-whites; now reservation-whites and demanding water rights to stolen Blackfeet allotments. It is an example of Frontier Montana political and economic colonialism rare to see this side of the apartheid policy of white South African Nationalists, let alone in the United States today and sanctioned by the Indian Bureau and Congress, who are well aware of the existence of genocide in Montana history.
The scale of Blackfeet human rights violations are not yet ended in relation to the long time suffering of the Blackfeet Indians caused by Montana border-whites for over a century. The individual Indian people became anonymous in their collective suffering over the decades while the critical message of Montana border-whites genocide of the Blackfeet Indians for territory was turned to public school curriculum of dangerous savages exterminated. The lies and propaganda of public schools and state officials have been muted over time by the truths emerging from government archives to dispel the myths of white superiority.
When the magnitude of the calamity is observed in all its political and economic genocide in view of the rights of man-it will be a sight to behold. The vision of sacred buffalo purification burning through the mist of the lies and propaganda told through the centuries about Indians. Now, the truth will emerge through all of the ordinary people who live their lives in the most ordinary ways, and who are the special people singled out to receive the most wonderful gift of all-the gift of blessing by the Great Spirit to live their lives exactly as they wish to live their lives; to be free of state tax and white rule forever. Isn’t that God’s vision for the Blackfeet Indians?
I was watching state t.v. the other day. I wish the tribal cable channel had this channel because it televises all state legislature committee meetings, the white people know better than to let their politicians govern in the back room. Anyway they had some Blackfeet down to testify on foster care, and I was really impressed with Mary Ellen LaFromboise’s testimony on the Blackfeet methods of handling so-called foster children by returning them to their grandparents care instead of the state method of putting the child in foster care, or non-relative’s care.
I had a nephew taken by the county welfare department from his Blackfoot mother and put into state foster care for 18 years or so, and I thought about the fight my mother put on for all those years to get him back. He was placed with Jehovah’s Witness foster care parents and never knew a birthday party or any holiday we associate with Blackfeet or American culture. It struck me watching testimony of Mary Ellen’s that state foster care is a form of cultural genocide if the purpose is to tear the child from his roots and make him into a white child. The state welfare law does not belong on the reservation nor its rules and regulations concerning Indian children.
The public schools also promote a curriculum that glorifies the Montana settlers neglecting to mention the massacre, starvation, small pox, whiskey trade, land frauds, removal and assimilation of the Blackfeet people by border-whites to get Blackfeet lands. Glacier County is the representative government of the border-whites brought to the reservation to legitimize white men’s land thefts and to provide white men with the cloak of legal respectability [county courts] to cover up political and economic genocide of the Blackfeet Indians. Alas, their titles are considered “void” titles by the Congress, but the tribal council will not request their removal. The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council is well aware of the land frauds and constitutional issues inherent in the white occupation of reserved treaty lands of the Blackfeet Indians. Our more learned ancestors went to the Congress to get things straightened out with Montana Territory. I think we need a tribal summit to clear the issues and to give the tribal members who are the heirs to the stolen lands occupied by whites on the reservation an opportunity to testify for their relatives. We need to take ownership of our reservation in every way, and get on with rebuilding the Blackfeet Nation.
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