Thursday, August 19, 2010


Message from Bob Juneau
Did you know?

1. Chokecherry Antioxidants are the perfect antidote to heart disease?
2. Buffalo Meat has vitamin C in it?
3. Pemmican is the only perfect food ever invented?

Natural foods processes were invented by Blackfeet Indians for preserving foods without refrigeration and processed foods were perfected by Indians to carry the Indians through winter and times of privation.
It seems to me that in view of the terrible outbreaks of diabetes, heart disease, and food shortages on the reservation that natural foods and medicines could be re-developed before the Chokecherry bushes and other natural plants are destroyed and forgotten.
There are national and international markets for natural foods and medicines that we could sell to and have the traditional people knowledgeable in these crafts preserve these Blackfeet foods and natural medicines.
Nutrition is a big issue in the health of Indian people in eliminating high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and malnutrition. This project would need funding to study the parameters of the available raw materials to process the natural foods traditional to the Blackfeet Indians. The tribal council should help the people get started in these self-help projects. The project doesn’t need to be a big industrial development but a cottage industry with many families involved in the growing, gathering, processing and marketing of natural products. The best example I have seen of the local industry type of development is the Salish- Kootenai Tribes contracting with the tribal members to cut and haul logs to the mill. There could be a central processing plant owned by the cooperative members and each person could grow and sell as much raw product as they desire according to their needs. The Blackfeet people are very intelligent but many tines tribal officials get in the way instead of just providing funding to get things started. There are Chokecherry bushes all over the reservation, but I fear they will be plowed under at some point and the future tribal members will never know the use of those plants and berries. The tribal buffalo are under valued by the tribe as an asset and a valuable product for the tribal members. Pemmican could be marketed to the defense department for provisions for long range patrols and special force’s foods. Heart disease could be cured given a natural diet and antioxidants contained in the Chokecherry, and the curse of diabetes could be lifted given natural snacks and foods made from natural Blackfeet products. What do you think? Just an idea to help with disease and hunger.

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